San Francisco, CA, USA

Five Things

It's Monday and I am super busy and before I know it, Tuesday will be here. So here's five quick things:

  • The best part of my weekends is all the sightseeing I get to do (see above ... the shots aren't great, but I was in the middle of a 9-mile run!). We've had really good weather this year so far, and as my runs get longer, I get to explore more and more of this city I love so much. One of my favorite parts of SF is up by Aquatic Park, which is what's pictured above.

  • I'm really starting to get into the thick of the planning for our trip to Europe in August. I spend a bunch of time on my lunch break bookmarking rooms in Berlin, Prague & Muich on Airbnb, as well as figuring out the logistics for trains & considering renting a tent for the music festival (M'era Luna) we're attending (which is actually the purpose of the trip). Because who wants to lug camping gear halfway across the world and carry it around for two weeks?

  • I can't wait for the half marathon (less than two weeks!) but I also am looking forward to my post-half marathon life. I am going to run less and yoga more. So excited.

  • Today is my gran's 90th birthday. I really, really hope I have a lot of genetic material from her, because she is an incredibly strong woman and I would love to end up like her. Her entire family has been generally very long-lived.

  • Things on my mind this week: running, yoga, tennis tournament, Cinders acclimating to our home, booking tickets to Oregon for a wedding/family time, booking tickets to Las Vegas for my best friend's bachelorette party ... photo editing ... yes, life continues to be crazy busy!

I am really trying to embrace this month with open arms.


  1. lovely photos and enjoy your european vacation - so jealous!
    -- jackie @ jade and oak
    -- jewelry giveaway


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