San Francisco, CA, USA

Somebody call the whambulance

I really need to stop being so busy that it feels overwhelming to blog. Because I love blogging! Life has been extra busy this week, and I've definitely had more than one moment where I've felt completely overwhelmed. I am hoping that starting on Sunday, everything will feel a bit better. There has been too much activity, and not enough a) sleep or b) yoga. See, it's all becoming clear now, right?

Plus, it's been one of those work weeks that has left me in tears of stress and frustration more than once, and every morning before noon I find myself saying "I need a drink."  Not good.

I recently saw this painting at ArtPad SF

This weekend I'm shooting a wedding, going on a long run & hopefully doing yoga on Sunday evening -- plus my new favorite thing, the French Open tennis tournament, and cleaning, and sleeping, oh sleeping. I feel off balance and I need to get that balance back. I should be feeling amazing -- it's almost June, my favorite month, my birthday month (Amberpalooza!), and I'm just ... not. It's just been this week, so I am hopeful that this weekend and next week will be better. Happy weekend!


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