It's Monday.
The weeks are passing so quickly these days. I hardly have time to catch my breath. I know I always say that, but it becomes more pronounced with time. Really looking forward to things this week, including a shoot tomorrow afternoon, getting my hair cut on Wednesday, sleeping a lot, eating quite a bit of pasta and other healthy dishes, running, yoga & of course, this weekend I am running my first half marathon and celebrating my birthday with my "birthday buddy" -- Scott, with wine/cheese/olives.
I've never been one for birthday parties. Last year was perfect, and I can't wait to do something similar. The only thing that could potentially throw a wrench into things is our lack of money: Scott is currently without work, and it's getting into a scary space I'd rather not bring onto the blog. It's unfortunate that it's coinciding with my birthday, but I am not so selfish as to think that it's all about me. So none of the above may happen, but I'm trying to be optimistic and believe that it will. I am also really really hoping Scott is able to find work as soon as possible, because otherwise we'll be in deep trouble -- and he'll feel defeated, which is something I never want him to feel. So ... I guess there's a lot on my mind after all? :/
We're holding our breath. But this is a scary time, I won't deny it. Fingers crossed.
Like I said, though, I'm remaining hopeful and focusing on the positive. And there's a lot of positive going around. I made a collage of this week's "happy place" and lets face it ... it's good:

1. my favorite yoga studio, yoga garden // 2. cinders // 3. zeke // 4. the sf marathon // 5. my hair/impending haircut
I had a really lovely weekend -- Saturday began with a wonderful yoga class followed by a 5 mile run, and Sunday was spent with my Haight-Ashbury Street Fair buddies, as I photographed one of the stages of music for the fourth year in a row. I am soaking up these SF experiences, knowing they will end someday, but not knowing exactly when. Grateful for the present, hopeful for the future. ♥