My mind is almost entirely on Vegas right now. I just want to get there, already! But yesterday I had a nice day and got to do some things I don't normally do. I took the day off to do some user research at ModCloth (having the opportunity to do this is one of my personal perks to living in San Francisco), spent some time hearing inspiring talks at AltConf, rode my bike home in the sunshine, went on a 3 mile run in my new workout shirt (see below), and even caught up on some Game of Thrones. I really appreciate days where I can make my own choices about what to do and where to go -- don't we all?
As I post some of my favorite Instagram photos from the last week, I have a feeling of unease. The entire idea of "personal blogging" continues to bother me. When I first started keeping an online journal, back in 1998, everything felt different. Now, it just feels indulgent to post photos, some of which include my face. And yet, if this is a space for me -- and it is -- then what's the problem? What am I so uneasy about? These are just visual representations of the life I go out and live, every day. There shouldn't be anything self-centered or indulgent about that. I'm not writing these stories elsewhere, so I write them here, and that's been the point of having a blog since the beginning, anyway. At least for me.
Sometimes I wonder: does this mean I have gotten too old to be a blogger? A personal blogger, anyway? I don't think it has to be that way. I really don't. But I guess I'm afraid it's true.
If I say it's not true, and I say it enough times, then maybe everything will be OK. Maybe I'm doing what I usually do and overthinking everything. Maybe there's a little bit of pre-birthday jitters creeping in here, even though I've convinced myself that turning 32 in a couple of weeks is relatively harmless?
I guess I had some thoughts to put out there, after all.
Anyway, here are some of my favorite photos from the last week:
Market Street, yesterday afternoon |
gearing up for summer travel <3 |
aforementioned workout shirt - can be purchased here |
German beer, need I say more? |
Friday night at the Cat Club |
Braids = moar curls |
I have a few more photos I want to share, but since they are all food-related, I'm going to write a post about the great vegan noms I've been enjoying lately, and include/talk about them all there.