Boise, ID, USA

Currently ...

Reporting this week from Boise, Idaho! ... and just in time, too, as its almost Friday now...

fall foliage through a car window
yellow leaves in the front yard

Feeling — Tired. Really tired. But at the same time, sort of like I'll finally be able to relax for a few days in a row. I've been ordered not to get up before 8 or 9 tomorrow. Also? The best part of visiting my uncle and grandma, who are also both Geminis (!) is that we all have a great time with each other until around 9:30 or 10, then retire to our respective rooms for "bed" -- aka alone time and reading until 2am or so. It's so amazing having family that understands the importance of alone time like I do. I've found that very few people actually get this, in the same way at least.

Drinking — Water, you guys. Nothing but water. My dad's side of the family is Mormon, so there's no drinking of booze allowed in this house. I always dread this part of things, but that's kind of pathetic, is it not? I jokingly call their house "rehab" and its actually good to get away from booze for a few days. Unfortunately this comes with it being a "meatcation" as they follow the paleo diet.

me on the train to the airport, 10am
Looking for —I've had to hunt down toiletries all day, as I didn't bring any on this trip (avoiding having to check baggage). Plus, surprise! I had to buy new foundation on a day where the circles under my eyes were truly raccoon-like, after my arrival. I'm sure my uncle wondered why I sported the "raccoon chic" look, because he ended up paying for my makeup.

Dreaming of — Dreamless sleep. Getting something, anything done that has been weighing on me. Looking less horrible tomorrow. A glass of wine.

Making —works of fine art editing photos & preparing to post them, on the MacBook that Scott was so awesome to lend me for the weekend. It's definitely the more awesome of our laptops, and its the only one that has Photoshop, so I am definitely very, very grateful. Also? Very behind. I really can use this time to get caught up on most of my editing (hopefully).

I linked up with Harvesting Kale & This Amazing Day, and you should too! 



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