This life hasn't been as happy as usual the last few days; I've overburdened myself
and been ineffective at everything as a result, and now I'm withering from exhaustion & really not happy with myself. I need to really get my act together this week; its another busy one, and Bay To Breakers is only 35 days away.
I've wanted to blog every day, but haven't found the time. It's silly, though, because if we just prioritized correctly and managed our time, we'd find that we had enough time to do every single thing we meant to get done in a given day. I heard that once at a Zen lecture, and it's resonated with me deeply ever since. Sadly, it's not something I've come even close to mastering yet, and sometimes, like today, I feel like I'm taking steps back from the responsible, reasonable person I've tried so hard to become. Happy Monday?
I don't mean to let my negativity boil over. Its rare that I feel this way nowadays, but occasionally my frustration with myself boils over, and I'm just too tired to keep it at bay. This too shall pass, and soon I will not feel like this (it can't come quickly enough, seriously!) In the meantime, I hope that these lovely photos of the weekend will help make you
and me feel better. Enjoy.
Note: they totally did make me feel better. What a gorgeous weekend this was! ♥
UC Berkeley // Friday |
A gorgeous walk to the farmers market & back on Saturday |
Venus over SF (Sunday night) |
Various things, including a baseball game by my house & a chicken head on Muini. You know, normal stuff. |
Blue skies & Primo Patio Cafe |
A beautiful sunset to end the weekend. |