San Francisco, CA, USA

#30daysofblogging Day 26: Farmers Market Saturday

Oh, Saturday, how I love you.

Today has been similar to other Saturdays, and I couldn't be happier. I woke up late (10am!) and ran 6.2 miles, eventually ending up at my favorite place: The Ferry Plaza Farmers Market. The main difference between today and other days is that today's weather was downright summery until mid-afternoon (when the fog rolled back in) and it was warm at the market early this afternoon. Just lovely! I felt so energized by a great run and beautiful weather. And vegetables, of course. Beautiful locally grown vegetables. I've come to find that I'm making friends now that I go to the market reliably every week -- which is really cool. I know that the guy who works at The Pasta Shop's stand has a boyfriend who is thinking about getting a spiralizer, for instance, and I've promised to report back on how the spiralizer works (I bought a ton of zucchini today to make zucchini noodles!). This has been a conversation spread over two weeks so far, with another week to come. I love that people recognize me and that I recognize them. I feel a sense of community here that is so hard to find in a city like San Francisco sometimes. For a small, dense city, we have a remarkable lack of community, so it feels great to find something that counters that.

Oh! Be sure to check out the really cool artichoke flowers (there are two photos, bright purple thistles). I've never seen them in person before, and it was really cool to see it. They look straight out of an alien world.

Anyway, I'm relaxing with a beer at home now. Enjoy these photos from today's market!


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