San Francisco, CA 94107, USA

30 days of lists: 29 + 30

The end of this project really crept up on me, somehow, even though all month I've been making my way through 30 Days of Lists. It's hard to believe I've really made 30 lists. It only took about 5 minutes a day, but what I'm going to take away from it is more meaningful than that. I'm glad that I'll have these lists to look back on and reflect with in the future, and that they capture life in a nutshell in this tiny month of my existence. Obviously my life is very fast-paced, and any time taken to sit & reflect is valuable. 

That said, here are my last two lists. One is better than the other, and you'll know which one.

I have the day off today, thank goodness, but my two jobs have left me exhausted and I'm contemplating just being a couch bum today. Except I have a meeting with a prospective wedding client, and I'd hoped to go hiking, and my house is a mess ... yes, life, I get it. Coffee, activate! 


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