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geese + ducks at Aquatic Park in Berkeley this afternoon, as seen from my lunch run |
Doing: The Runner's World Runstreak began yesterday, on Memorial Day. It runs (get it? runs? ha) for 41 days through the 4th of July. I haven't done a runstreak in a while, but for some reason, probably because running has been more arduous for me lately than I prefer, I decided to do this one. Basically, I'll be running at least 1 mile every day for 41 days. I have to learn to take it easier than on previous streaks, and accept that 1 mile is just fine, because I have a weird issue that keeps cropping up in my left knee/calf area, and I really don't want to get seriously injured again. Another reason I've decided to do this: I realized this weekend that I'm not in very good physical shape at the moment. As we work up to Hood to Coast this August (that's really not very far from now, eeeek!) I need to be in peak condition. Not to mention: I feel better when I'm in really good shape. So far, so good -- in the last two days, I've run around 2 miles each. Honestly, I already feel better.
Watching: G and I finally saw Mad Max last weekend, after spending the previous week watching all of the Mad Max movies from the 80s. Like everybody else, I absolutely loved the new film, though honestly, I loved all of the old ones, too. They've held up surprisingly well for their age. Other than that, we're still watching Daredevil on Netflix, which I love because it's so very noir. And we just started Wayward Pines last weekend -- love it so far! And I'm watching the last few episodes of Air Disasters that I haven't seen yet. I am getting really nervous for it to end -- what am I going to watch after that?! What are you watching?
Planning: A night of relaxation at home -- I can't wait. I seriously can't wait. Today has been a bit more stressful and weird than usual because over the long weekend, everyone in our building (328 people!) switched cubicles. We're now all located somewhere different than we were last week. It's been an adjustment, and I'm not saying I really like my new location (I don't -- it's really far from everything) but like everything else, if you don't let it go and adapt, what's the point? I'm working on finding the positives in my new situation. However, that doesn't mean today has been easy. It's been kind of weird. Tonight will need to be a nice, relaxing one, particularly because I've somehow booked myself with photo jobs for the rest of the week after tonight.
Thinking about: My head is really scattered today. I have been having really vivid dreams lately that are difficult to remember after waking up, but many of them involve vacations. Two so far have involved tropical vacations. I can't believe I was in Mexico in February -- it literally feels like a lifetime ago, given everything that has transpired since. I can't wait to go back to somewhere tropical. If I could, I'd go back to Isla Mujeres right now! I'm not sure if my next tropical getaway will be solo or not, but I have such a long list of places I want to visit: Belize, Tulum, back to Cancun/Isla, Cozumel ... every single island around there is pretty much amazing. I just want more tropical goodness.
Looking forward to: Hopefully doing some yoga when I get home. I just bought a new yoga mat, and I'm really excited about using it. I've gotten really terrible about actually going to a yoga studio, which surprises me, because usually I'm really excited about actually going to a yoga studio. But lately, I think I've just not really wanted the commitment hanging over me. I'd much rather spontaneously decide to do yoga at home -- that way I save money, and I don't disappoint anyone when I decide to do it another time, and I don't feel pressured to make it work even though I don't feel like doing it anymore. Really ... I probably should see a therapist about all this, I make everything way too complicated, don't I? Either way, I want to do at least 15 minutes of yoga this evening.
Loving: Life. I know I always say that, but life is to be loved. I've really been trying to refocus on the things that really matter to me lately, the things that bring me joy, the things that feed my soul. I'm not perfect at it by any means, but I've certainly been happier in the last 6 weeks or so than I've been in some time, and that feels so great. It's been such a relief. I also love that summer is coming. And with summer -- fun times are ahead. I very much wish I was heading to Germany sometime this year, but that will have to wait until next year. For now -- I'm really happy going to Oregon at the end of August, and maybe Omaha later this year. Those are my only two trips planned at the moment, but who knows, maybe another weekend away will be in the cards .... fingers crossed.
Currently is inspired by Sometimes Sweet.