San Francisco, CA, USA

Snapshots from a happy life

Oops! I was supposed to finish and post this blog post last night, but somehow forgot. I think it was because by the time I got home yesterday evening, I didn't so much as sit down for hours (it was a busy night, which I hadn't been expecting -- cleaning, cooking, laundry, errands).

Anyway, it's Friday and it's the hottest day of the year in San Francisco. This week has been so long and I'm really glad to have a weekend ahead of me to spend with my lovely man and rest and take photos and run and did I mention sleep? I think a movie may also be involved this weekend, something we haven't done in a long time. Oh weekend, I love you so.

Here's what I've been up to this last week.

Basically, I went on a lot of runs in the gorgeous sunshine:

And then last week it rained (!):

But by the time I went out for my lunch run, it was gorgeous again:

Hayes Valley is as beautiful as ever:

More signs that summer isn't quite over in Berkeley:

I participated in a toast decorating competition with two friends at 18 Reasons:

Inspiration strikes when you least expect it (seen in a printer room at work):

Oh how I love those Berkeley mornings:

...and those San Francisco nights:


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