Things are, as usual, busy round these parts. Another wonderful weekend included such things as yoga class on Saturday and a 7.3 mile run on Sunday (still training for that half marathon in June!), plus lots of time with Scott & the cats, rainbow cupcakes, Watchmen, several episodes of Charmed and one great Game of Thrones episode last night. I can't say I got everything on my to-do list done, but I did come out of the weekend with more sleep than I've had in a while, and that's been desperately needed.
So far today I've bought a bridesmaid dress for my best friend Christina's wedding in September, and the other girls and I have nailed down a weekend for her Vegas bachelorette bash (gulp!). I had a really difficult time coming up with an available weekend this summer, as I'm shooting a wedding in Oregon on July 13th and Scott & I will be in Germany/Czech Republic from August 5th-22nd. The wedding then comes up fast, on September 14th (right after Scott's birthday), so ... it's going to be a crazy insane summer. I admit, it's making me anxious just thinking about it, but I know it will work out.
This week will be filled with photo shoots, a heatwave, running, more yoga & hopefully some movie-watching and cooking at home. Scott has been hard at work finishing our new fish tank (he constructed all the plumbing himself!) so maybe we'll even get that going. For now, here are some snapshots from the last couple of weeks or so. I have a zillion food posts planned, but I never seem to prioritize blogging high enough these days to get the posts written. SOON! So with that, pictures: