There has been a lot of other sadness and confusion since Jeffy died, as well: illness and deaths of friends, my inability to get out there and do anything for months, uncertainty with old and new friendships, deep thinking about the meaning of life and time and what I'm doing with it -- well, they haven't lended themselves to a great amount of blogging, I guess, because I don't want to share that stuff on here. I want this to be a happy place, not a place where I vent. And I guess I just see shallow, lighthearted things like Pinterest as ultimately pointless, sorry. I'm not that kind of girl, when we get right down to it.
But ANYWAY. Last weekend Scott & I celebrated Easter with a now two-year-old tradition of ours: egg decorating. This situation works out well for us because we love to paint eggs, and he'll eat them afterward (they're hard boiled) -- and I don't have to (!) because as the universe knows ... I don't eat eggs. We didn't end up celebrating Easter other than that (well, champagne may have been involved...) but this was a fun activity. It's always fun to see Scott get so into an art project; he gets in "the zone" and resembles a mad scientist. Meanwhile I may have overdone it on the champagne and broke not one but two eggs. I am so cool and responsible and adult, you guys!
Here are some photos of this year's egg painting:

I am so glad our Easter was colorful, and that I got to spend some much-needed quality time with my husband (and also, that Easter contained Game of Thrones, which I am beyond thrilled is back on the air ... now I'm going to have to read the books again, rats!). Life is good. Really, it is. I am going to try to start blogging more frequently again with the belief (and I do believe this) that there is always something positive to talk about, something good that happens every single day. ♥