Anyway, I digress. Sure, I've always marched to the beat of my own drummer style-wise. Plus, I've never ever had the money required to keep up with fashion trends. But above all else: I like to be different, and I like to be comfy, in whatever I'm wearing. That means I am "out there" but you will NEVER EVER catch me in heels. I grew up a tomboy, but have (generally) gotten over that (mostly. A little. Well, sometimes ...) -- at any rate, I do actually enjoy wearing dresses and skirts now!
I am very bad at taking outfit photos. As in, I never do it. Most of the time I'm wearing jeans or workout pants anyway (yep). But there is one style quirk I take a lot of pride in, and have my entire life: socks. I love to be known for my weird/loud/colorful/bizarre socks. The bizarre part is mostly a reaction other (read: boring/unimaginative) people have when they see me in socks that are not actually that weird! ;) But I do like to be different, and to be subtly noticed for being different. I also take a ton of pictures of myself wearing said socks/tights/etc because they're very easy to do myself. So, without further ado ... here are all of the photos I could find on my phone today that fit the bill:
I'm participating in Radvent this year via the ever-awesome Princess Lasertron, and you should too!