Yesterday was the day I'd been waiting all week (and longer!) for: The Big Gay 10k. Benefitting the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, it was a combination of many things I am passionate about: running, supporting the gay community, and particularly the HIV+ population, and ... well, hanging out with a bunch of people who love unicorns and cheesy dance music just as much as I do! And truth be told, I was dancing around to the music at 7:45am.
It was a great day. I rose at about 5:45am, more than an hour before ESPN's College GameDay program began (wow, that's early!). I prepared myself some pre-race hash browns (carbs are good) from a potato I'd baked the night before, and poured myself a LOT of coffee that I'd also brewed the night before. Its best not to leave this stuff up to chance, as I've learned from previous races. I showered, dressed & left the house at 7:15am in order to make it to Fort Mason (the starting point) before 8am, as I still needed to pick up my racing packet. Fortunately, I had no trouble doing that, but the trouble was waiting in the
freezing cold at Fort Mason for another hour before the race began: brrrrrrr! I knew it would be cold (it always is on that side of the city) but man, it wasn't easy. I waited to turn in my stuff until the last moment so I could keep wearing my hoodie, and gloves, while waiting. I felt bad for the guys wearing nothing but short shorts, believe me!
As for the race itself, I did great. My average pace was 11:08, which is basically unheard of for me, especially over that distance. It was almost a minute faster than my average pace for Bay to Breakers. I actually ran nonstop for the first 3+ miles and my first 2 miles both averaged under 10 minutes (!). I did get a bunch peg leg problems during the last 3 miles, and I probably should go to the doctor because its definitely a knee issue. Pressure keeps building in my right knee while I'm running, and eventually it becomes unbearable to bend it. When I walk for a bit, the pain and pressure abate, and I am able to start running again, but only for a little bit (as the pressure then begins to build anew). I'm not sure what it is but I am trying to be careful with it. My knee hurt so much after this race, particularly when I was going down flights of stairs, that I had to descend the stairs at the BART station sideways (like a crab).
My time was 1 hour, 9 minutes, 5 seconds. Yay! I am thrilled! And I have to say, it meant so much to me to have (for the very first time) someone yelling my name & congratulating me at the finish line. It's not a big deal to me to
not have that, usually, but this time it was extra special. So thanks, Mutha Chucka, for making me feel special in a moment of triumph. And it
was a moment of triumph. I really need to sign up for another race ... I love them!
Here are some more pictures from yesterday's event:
The best part? It was fully rideable |
horn closeup |
The starting line / finish line :) |
water table w/ Bieber tablecloth |
pinned to the unicorn's rear |
I was a little obsessed with these |
the aftermath; part of a penis costume sits in the left foreground |
Mutha Chucka with the winners of the costume contest -- the brides! |
I hope everyone reading this had a wonderful weekend. What did you do?