San Francisco, CA, USA


Sorry, I should have warned you that I was going to show you THE CUTEST PICTURE EVER IN THE WORLD! 
Wishing — That this workday would go faster. Really. & that I was at home, in my pajamas, snuggling with cats (like the one above, though there are actually two in the picture, can you see the second?).
Reading — Still working my way through A Dance With Dragons. I've been trying to take it more slowly than the other books because I am genuinely anxious about being done with this series so far. I don't know for sure what I am going to read next, but I'm thinking about Landscape And Memory. I love Simon Schama, and this is a perfect way to throw myself back into my typical non-fiction ways.
Eating — Leftover Sesame Noodles from last night's dinner. This is one of my favorite meals to make; so savory, and really really really good the next morning for breakfast. I just wish I'd made more, because now its gone and I have a sad face!
Anticipating — My race on Saturday! I am so excited, as I may have mentioned yesterday. I just want to get out there and run. Running is so personal to me and the mental challenge is something that keeps me growing. I also, of course, love the endorphin rush I get afterward. I am thinking that a trip to Citrus Club might be in order afterward ... but I don't have any money. RATS.
Missing — Oregon. My family (especially my mom). My best friend in Portland. My best friend in Los Angeles. Its one of those days where I am missing all that I do not have at my fingertips. I'm also missing the holidays (we just watched last year's Dr. Who Christmas Special last night ... yup, 9 months late), and it made me really nostalgic in that holiday sort of way. Luckily, the holidaze will be on us soon enough.

I linked up with Harvesting Kale & This Amazing Day, and you should, too!



  1. I'm reading A Song of Fire and Ice series too! But I'm only on book 4. I'm hoping by the time I finally get around to reading Dance with Dragons it will be out in paperback :) What run are you doing? I might have to look around your blog and find out. I'm currently training for my fourth half marathon. Have a great weekend!

    1. I couldn't believe I had to pay $15 to read A Dance With Dragons ON MY KINDLE. But since its not out in paperback yet I guess that's why! I am running a race in SF called The Big Gay 10k. Congratulations on all your half marathons! I hope to do my first one next year. :)

  2. I love the "munro" on your kitty! So cute.

    Good luck with your race! I soooo wish I could be a runner (I know, I know - I CAN! I just lack motivation....and lung capacity....).

    1. I used to feel like you about running, especially about the lung capacity! But suddenly the desire to run became overwhelming, and I found that it was all in my head all along. REALLY!


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