Second: I'm exhausted. Taking care of our household this week has been truly a hard job. I have a new appreciation of everything Scott has been doing for the fish, and I'm also genuinely into it now, though the other day when I got up at 5am was a bit much. I am fully OK with getting up at 5:30am, though, something I never thought I'd say. Coffee is a beautiful thing, you know?!
Third: We are on the verge of making some major life changes. I've been reading Kris Carr's Crazy Sexy Diet and I already, two chapters in, feel my views changing on certain things. I want to reset my body's chemistry. This means no coffee (dear lord) but I think that's a good thing, at least for the 3 weeks of the diet Kris recommends. Scott is really into it too. We'll reveal more details after we've had the chance to both read the book and get into everything together. Lots of juicing may be in our future.
We've both reached the point where we want to make some changes in our lives, and be healthy and energetic and not reliant on substances like caffeine and alcohol and CARBS and PEANUT BUTTER and the other things we crave because we're not totally balanced; not to mention medication. And given that I'm a really happy vegan, I want to learn how to be an even happier vegan. I know Scott really wants to reach his potential, too. So we're pretty excited about the path we're going to embark on. Again, more on this to come!
Anyway. I have a photo gig tonight, so here are some shots from the last week. Enjoy ♥