200 townsend st, san francisco, ca

30 Days of Lists: 5+6

I decided to stay home today to nurse my cold (thanks Scott, at least I didn't get this as badly as you did...). I'm not feeling nearly as bad as I did during my last cold and I'm basically doing this as a precaution; sleep heals, and I gifted myself about 12 hours of it last night. 

I have a race on Saturday morning (the Marine Mammal Center's Run for the Seals, which I'm doing with my friends Susie & Jeff as well as Scott and another friend, Rasa!), and my main concern is with being well enough to fulfill all of my obligations this week (shooting on Thursday, the race on Saturday, lots of work Saturday afternoon, and a bike ride on Sunday afternoon), and still be able to give the race my very best. So that's why I'm here today, resting.

Of course, I am planning on going on a little run in a bit. Yesterday's google searches involved "is it OK to work out when sick" kinds of things, and I've determined that since everything in this cold is above my neck, I'm justified in doing a low-impact workout. I just can't stay still these days. 

On that note, here is the next installment of 30 Days of Lists:

This is such a simple little blog challenge, and yet I find it extremely enjoyable to find this information or think of things to write down on lists and share them in this Illustrator file I created. I love the design, and I think that's half the battle. 


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