San Francisco, CA 94107, USA

Outdoor Life (part 1): farmers market

So far this year, I've felt a much bigger urge to get outside and enjoy all that life has to offer in the great outdoors than in years past. This is absolutely a good thing, as time spent inside is great, but time spent outside can be spent working out and enjoying time with friends and accomplishing stuff. Plus, we've been having an incredibly mild winter here in the bay area (very little rain; that's bad, but it makes for beautiful weather), and it just begs to be taken advantage of.

Anyway, the point is that I spent quite a while outside today, and it was really awesome.

First up was a trip to the farmers market, which was as fantastic as it always is. We're pretty much ramping up here for spring veggies now; I heard a rumor that we'll be getting green garlic, a true harbinger of spring, in our CSA boxes come mid-month (yes, this month!) so I am stoked; stoked, and really sick of eating romanesco & cabbage in everything. This time of year can be tough, fresh veggie-wise. I know, I know, call the whambulance; I live in the best part of the country for year-round fresh food, and I shouldn't complain.

But yeah, still.

My yearlong photo project to capture the changing seasons via the farmers market continues. I only made it to the market once last month and am determined to get back on track in February. Here's what I found today (not shown: tulips! yes, tulips have arrived):

I don't eat chicken; but I LOVE outlines of chickens. Yeah, weird.
Veggie spring rolls (mmmm, don't they look amazing?)

I was really good today. The farmers market is always a lesson in self-control; if you smelled it, you would understand. All I bought was what was on my list: green onions & potatoes. I went home afterward and made some home fries, a breakfast staple on weekends in our house. Seriously, you guys. Farmers markets.


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