Tongue-in-cheek dramatization of my remaining path to 30. I'm fine. Really! Ahem. |
In typical Amber fashion, I'm only giving myself 4 months to complete 30 action items. Awesome.
But hey, we all know that if you write things down, they become real, so this is a welcome self butt-kicking!
- Visit a museum in San Francisco that isn't the Academy of Sciences on booze night
- Run at least two 5k races
- Attend the North Beach Festival (my birthday weekend!)
- Read at least 5 books
- Clean out my personal email inbox to 0
- Get a new sparkly silver wig
- Have a picnic at Dolores Park
- Ride a bicycle at Sunday Streets
- Buy new ear buds & get my iPod working again
- Get a concrete savings plan in place for purchasing a new camera
- Fix the print spooler on my desktop computer at home
- Start using a to-do list system at work & stick to it
- Participate in an art show
- Run on Kezar Stadium's track
- Return to the SF Zen Center to meditate at least once
- Make good on some of my promises to help out Triggerfish Marketing
- Sew up & polish my Italy purse
- Obtain my drivers license (!) (danger zone!)
- Enter a photography contest
- Visit the San Francisco Zoo
- Procure the perfect 30th birthday celebration outfit
- Get at least one haircut, preferably two
- Donate at least one box of clothes to Goodwill
- Go on one hike a month through at least June
- Upgrade & redesign my photography blog
- Finish playing Dragon Age II and move on to Skyrim OR Mass Effect 3
- Make more of an effort to hang out with estranged/distant friends
- Go swimming at Strawberry Canyon pool when "fake summer" happens this spring
- Shoot the Masonic Stage at the Haight Street Fair for the 3rd year in a row
- Plan my birthday trip to Monterey & Pacific Grove