I really love wedding photography; I cry at every wedding I photograph, and I love the joy of it all. That said, it's mind boggling to me how much goes in to planning every wedding, and I'm really happy (personally) that Scott & I chose not to go that route. I love sharing in the experiences that others have, because it allows me the opportunity to experience gorgeous weddings of all types, and weddings that were nothing like our Hawaiian "elopement" (both of our families gave their blessing & knew about it, but it was private). Given all that goes into these crazy affairs, it's a good thing many people know that photography is a most important element, and shouldn't be overlooked. If you spent that much time & energy designing your wedding, why wouldn't you want to immortalize it forever with beautiful photos? Every bride I've talked to, including myself, agrees that the actual day of your wedding is a huge blur of excitement and emotion. You don't remember a lot of the actual event that clearly, because your mind is running a thousand miles a minute. The photos will help bring it all back, all the magical detail and emotion you'd forgotten (plus all that you didn't see!). I love being the person entrusted with that duty.
I know that everything will work out; it always does, and we're creative professionals and all that. I do think that a bit of anxiety before an event like this is healthy; it means I'm invested in the process and concerned about doing a good job.
I can't wait to experience tomorrow. It's going to be a whirlwind of hundreds of guests. Hopefully I will be back to the blog on Sunday, especially considering how completely wiped out I'll be (ie, on the couch). ☆