San Francisco, CA 94107, USA

Radvent day 11: rest

Poor Princess Lasertron is sick today (get well soon!) & I've had a ridiculously exhausting few days myself, so before we go out to get our Christmas tree I wanted to state my intention to do as little as possible today while still fulfilling my responsibilities and obligations.

I give myself permission to rest because ____________.

I need rest because ____________.

I give myself permission to rest because I've worked really hard the rest of the weekend & didn't sleep on Friday night due to telescope/eclipse excitement. 

I need rest because if I don't get rest, I am going to get sick again.

Love to you & yours on this beautiful sunny Sunday in San Francisco; upcoming posts include one about SantaCon (an amazing event I went to yesterday while celebrating a friend's birthday) as well as a post about our Christmas tree, which we'll be getting today. 

If you're interested in participating in Radvent, visit Princess Lasertron!


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