(via Pinterest)
Somehow it is almost December. And yet at the same time, Halloween was only a month ago—how does that work? As Einstein would probably say, that's relativity. Or (more likely) he wouldn't say that, because as geeky as he was, he was a ladies man, not a nerd.
But I digress. Also, yes, I'm a nerd, moving on, moving on.
I was looking back today on my list of goals for November & thought it would be nice to take stock of how things went, and look ahead to December. I really am trying to hold me (and by extension, Scott) more accountable for our grandiosedelusions plans for the future.
November Goals (post mortem):
I'll be posting about December goals tomorrow, but suffice it to say these things will all continue, along with some stuff more along thee lines of the above image from Pinterest: MUST CREATE. ☆
Enough! enough! enough!
Somehow I have been stunn'd. Stand back!
Give me a little time beyond my cuff'd head, slumbers, dreams, gaping,
I discover myself on the verge of a usual mistake.
Somehow I have been stunn'd. Stand back!
Give me a little time beyond my cuff'd head, slumbers, dreams, gaping,
I discover myself on the verge of a usual mistake.
—Walt Whitman, Song of Myself
Somehow it is almost December. And yet at the same time, Halloween was only a month ago—how does that work? As Einstein would probably say, that's relativity. Or (more likely) he wouldn't say that, because as geeky as he was, he was a ladies man, not a nerd.
But I digress. Also, yes, I'm a nerd, moving on, moving on.
I was looking back today on my list of goals for November & thought it would be nice to take stock of how things went, and look ahead to December. I really am trying to hold me (and by extension, Scott) more accountable for our grandiose
November Goals (post mortem):
- Be in bed (not necessarily asleep, but reading) by 11pm at the latest
- Get up by 6:30am M-F
- Sleep in until 7am at the latest on weekends
- If I am working late (photography shoots), deal w/ the sleep dep, don't get wasted
- Maintain 90%+ vegan diet, especially at home
- Don't eat out if at all possible, but at most one lunch & dinner per week
- Go to the farmers market every week except for Thanksgiving (when we'll be in OREGON!)
- General don't-NOT-take-care-of-yourself stuff!
I'll be posting about December goals tomorrow, but suffice it to say these things will all continue, along with some stuff more along thee lines of the above image from Pinterest: MUST CREATE. ☆