It was a relaxing (but busy—how does that work?) weekend around our house, which felt incredibly wonderful. We've gotten into a rhythm of getting up early these past few weeks, and we both love it. It makes it so much easier to get things done! Plus, on the weekends you know you can sneak in a nap or two if needed. I also function much better in the morning than in the afternoon, so you do the math.
Instead of posting a dozen images of food, here are a few larger snapshots that encapsulate the lovely weekend around these parts. Can't wait to do it again! ★
Relaxing coffee sunshine time on my friend Julie's deck
Julie's succulents get tons of sunlight! This was such a wonderful part of the weekend ♥
Jeffy lounging on the couch, Sunday
Early this morning (8am), UC Berkeley campus—the gorgeous beginning of another week