Our weekend included copious amounts of cilantro, among other things: swimming at our gym's pool on Saturday, two photo shoots, a highly enjoyable concert, the gym on Sunday morning (together!) and a relaxing afternoon and evening around the house. LOTS of cooking. Tremendous amounts of cooking, and eating! This, to me, is what "the good life" really is. I love to go out, but at home with good food, and the cats ... that really is where the heart is. Well, and inside a bottle box of Chardonnay, that is.
The recipe du jour on Friday was based off of one of the many fantastic recipes over at OhDearDrea. My vegan cooking stint is still going strong, and even though last night I was incredibly tempted to put some of my remaining Parmesan cheese on top of the vegan pasta Fagioli I made for dinner, I resisted temptation, and quite honestly, didn't even miss it.
Of course, that very same cheese was the cheese I binged on after arriving home, drunk, from the aforementioned great concert on Saturday night, so ... c'est la vie. No regrets!
Weekend breakfasts were always one of my dad's specialties when I was growing up. I am a huge fan of brunches that take at least an hour to cook, and though I started down the path of learning how to make them myself before he died, after my dad's death 8 years ago I picked up the spatula in his honor and vowed to make grandiose breakfasts a tradition in my new family.
I now cook breakfast every weekend, and in a sense have dedicated my life to the perfection of the hash brown. My latest method is the best yet: I bake the potatoes (any potatoes! Not just Russet) in the microwave on Friday night, wrap them in foil and stick them in the fridge. On Saturday and Sunday mornings, I unwrap the potatoes, skin them (yeah, I know) and grate them with a cheese grater.
I throw them into a pan with either olive or canola oil (canola oil is a rare treat in our house!) and they brown so well! My secret weapon, other than my methods, at the moment is rosemary salt from our CSA, Eatwell Farm. This stuff is like magic fairy dust; it makes everything taste incredible.
And, as always ... Zeke is my co-pilot.
I hope your weekend was as enjoyable and delicious as ours. ★