Since I was home sick today (no doubt the result of walking around in the rain so much in the last 2 weeks, thanks a lot mother nature!), I actually got to do some domestic things, even though it was gorgeous outside (again, thanks mother nature) and the last thing I wanted to be was sick inside the house planning out a blog post.
Right now Scott is upstairs working and I am downstairs trying to force myself to watch Monster Bug Wars on Science Channel (ew ew ew) -- so clearly there isn't a lot going on around Chez Gregory tonight. So instead, here is some photographic evidence of the last few days around the ole homestead:

An early spring soup I made on Saturday

Scott's genuine Flat Eric doll (90's Levis commercials...remember?)

Zeke being absolutely adorable on the couch

What's that? Outside? SUN!! Taken this evening around 7pm