And after all, this blog is about celebrating the smaller things, and the domestic adventures that Scott & I have in our little San Francisco loft (it's hard to believe that it's been nearly 4.5 years since we got married--but again, a post for another day!).
I am pretty sure that we've been so busy lately that we haven't been properly appreciating those little, domestic things--and if that isn't a reason to get back into this blog, then I don't know what is. So, on that note:
The title of this post stems from an idea for a domestic blog I wanted to start last year of the same name. Sadly for you, I am not drinking as much these days (by choice), and as such am engaging in far fewer liquored-up vacuuming escapades. But, since this is actually a good thing for me, for my family and (quite frankly) for both my vacuum and my few remaining unbroken wine glasses, don't feel too sad. I'm sure the boozy housewife will return someday (sooner than we think!).
One of the things I'd like to post more about on this blog is our eating adventures--mostly what we're cooking for dinner every night, etc. We belong to a great CSA (Eatwell Farm) and get really wonderful organic, local fruits & veggies every week. Right now it's a little tougher to do that, even though we live in a great climate, because just not a lot of things are growing right now. I'd post photos of the random things I've been doing with spinach lately, but the truth is that I haven't felt very inspired by what I've been cooking lately, and that has almost everything to do with it being the dead of the growing season. It will start to pick up soon, and I envision many posts about asparagus & fava bean soup & spring peas (!) & green garlic/onions (!!) & everything else I love about spring vegetables. Oh, I just can't wait for spring!
We have been busy lately, but that is how things go. I will try to make an effort to update more around here, and keep my non-existent readers caught up on our home-based shenanigans. ★